Using the "deem and pass" exception to keep from voting directly on the Senate bill seems cowardly at best, and bordering on constitutional blasphemy at worst. I won't argue the legality here, but surely the founding fathers never intended for very important and large pieces of legislation to be "passed" in this way.
I have agreed that health care needs revamping, and have even come to believe that every American of every class deserves at least basic health care. Most of this belief comes from the proven fact that people without insurance can certainly get at least urgent treatment at hospitals without having the means to pay. So the rest of us are all are paying anyway, so let's develop a system that works for all. I know full well that taxpayers will have to cover most of the costs, but cove
ring the premiums seems cheaper than paying the entire bill.

Congress has gotten so far off track - both sides - that I think they actually believe what they are doing is right and ordained. Someone, or better yet, many of them, should form the Gang of 100 or whatever, and be actual statesmen and stateswoman, and work to save the Republic, not their own behinds. Wishful thinking? I hope not.