What a bunch of silliness. I have not yet declared my choice for President (except it won't be Mrs. Clinton), but this teapot tempest about trying to emphasize the Hussein middle name of Barack Obama is juvenile. As if he had any control over what his father's name was (Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.) The name comes from junior's Kenyan grandfather.
This, and the attempt to make Obama a Muslim (as if that is bad), the attempt to portray him as less than patriotic when he forgot to cover his heart during the Pledge, is all part of these political dirty tricks. I have forgotten the hand to heart once or twice and I consider myself a dedicated, stable, patriotic American.
I suppose this will go on as long as Mrs. Clinton thinks she has a chance at the nomination (she doesn't) because I doubt seriously that John McCain himself will stoop to that level of dirty politics. No guarantee, however, that some low-life in the party will see these kinds of things as fair game.

What's in a name? My middle name is Joseph. I am glad I am not competing for anything more important than maybe a Wal-Mart greeter position. I would hate to be have my name besmirched by associations with the likes of Joseph Stalin, Joseph McCarthy, or even Joseph Schmoe.
Two months ago I held the belief that Hillary would weather the charge of Barack Obama and eventually coast to the Democratic nomination. Today it appears obvious that this is NOT the case, and that Mr. Obama will become the party's nominee. The tactics now being used by the Clinton campaign appear to simply be a last-ditch attempt at saving a dying campaign. It seems to me that this is just another Democratic inter-party dust-up that only does more to damage their hopes in November. The Republicans don't need to use these tactics on the Dems when they do it to themselves! If they (the Dems) don't come together as a party, come January 20, 2009, we will all be hearing "Hail To The Chief" played for President John McCain.
Senator Clinton's campaign seemed to glide or tread water after Super Tuesday. It was if they just "wrote off" a fair chunk of the country. That opened the door wide for Senator Obama and it doesn't appear she can get that door closed again. Only the democrates could take a year where so many people are so fed up with the republicans - and make it a dead heat.
People who want the Hillary Barak contest to end will also soon tire of the McCain/Obama race (or the unlikely Clinton/McCain race.) There are states that haven't voted yet - the process continues - why is that bad?
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