My wife, Diana, left the movie with me and as I about to say that I really liked it, she spoke first.
"I didn't like it" she said quietly. I was surprised because she loves most action thrillers.
"Well, I did", I responded and asked further, "What's not to like?" Without giving away too
much, I will say she did not like the seamy side of English life portrayed in 1970s London.

Well, I found it to be interesting, and I defended the porn references by saying it was a true story. Diana was not convinced so we left it at that.
The Bank Job, with mostly unknown actors save Jason Statham who is slightly more known, was executed really well. The story was exciting, the filmography did the job without the latest camera jerkiness seen too often these days, and the story line was able to be followed.
I wish Jason would shave at least once in a blue moon; I got tired of seeing his double 5 o'clock shadow in every scene. I guess it is de rigeur for leading men in action films these days.
Overall, the film came through with all the best and left the viewer satisfied at the end with a complete story. I know there are some who like to have a little mystery when the credits roll, but I like closure. Those mystery seekers should buy No Country for Old Men and watch it over and over and over.
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