I should have believed the few critics that panned this M. Night Shyamalan production but I convinced my wife to see it before we overheard the plot and any "secrets" before we actually saw it. Most films that we "may" want to see simply go on our Netflix list, but there are some with serious plot twists that if revealed would render the film impotent.
I am not exaggerating much when I say that this movie was the worst I have seen in a long time. Not only was the story lame from the very beginning, the acting was incredibly wooden from

even the known stars. Mark Wahlberg would do better modeling more underwear for a career even at his advanced age (for a model, that is). As I watched I began to think that this might be a tongue-in-cheek send-up of M. Night genre movies rather than one to take seriously. Seriously.
I won't spoil the show for those who will "just have to see it" hoping, as I was, that M. Night might again hit his mark as he did with "The Sixth Sense". I still shudder thinking of that excellent movie and its chilling ending.

So my advice to my friends will be to skip this one. Don't even waste a Netflix spot. I'd rather rent "Gigli" or "Ishtar" and that isn't saying much. The critics panned this flick, and noted (which I disregarded) that M. Night's movies have been sliding further with each new production. It seems he peaked on his first one and is now making money on his (former) good name while he can. Shyamalan on you, M.
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