Today I read that the director of the new James Bond film, Quantum of Solace, will not use the iconic phrase, "My name is Bond....James Bond" in this movie. What a travesty this is for Bond fans. What arrogance this director, Mark Forster, has for the Bond franchise.

I am a middling Bond fan at best, but I try to see each film knowing that I can count on some continuity in the story line. Bond is Bond and we know that he takes his Martinis "shaken, not stirred". Unless Forster plans to conveniently leave that tidbit of Bond lore to die on the vine as well.
It is bad enough that Sean Connery got too old to cavort around in his Astin-Martin, too old to leap from building to building, and probably too old for the "delicate" sensual scenes (I hate to give in on this one, but Connery, gentleman that he is, will just have to be a retired agent).
Forster says he "just couldn't find a place for it", the "it" being the trademark line. Now come on, how hard is it to have Daniel Craig introduce himself to someone somewhere in the film. Maybe even to "M" in a senior moment. Sort of like a Denny Crane does to everyone in Boston Legal. "Denny Crane," he spouts, even to his son.

So what is next? Will Porky Pig drop his "th-th'that's all folks"? That would be heresy, or even looney tunes. Will Bart Simpson give up his "I didn't do it" for expediency? I don't think so and I don't think it would have taken much to slip in the "Bond, James Bond" line. Pure laziness, I say, pure laziness. I want to be an Oscar Mayer wiener.
1 comment:
You always struggled with that Bond thing... It was in your last phone number. Bond's number 007.
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