Shakespeare may have had a good idea in "Henry VI" but I doubt it would work. However, when I read about the lawyers getting ready to chase ambulances in regard to the Presidential Election, I was almost looking for my shiv.
Today I read that Barack Obama may have 5000 lawyers to monitor the election...in Florida
alone. 5000 is a lot and even if they are on the same side, I doubt many could agree on much. McCain has his own "Lawyers for McCain" who will loyally stand by to challenge the slightest appearance of an infraction.

I sure hope that every state finally has worked out the ballot thing. It has been
eight years since the "hanging chad" fiasco, so with eight years to come up with a better way, I sincerely hope that they have. Why do I feel a little uneasy about that?

What I really hope, I guess, is that the election is so lopsided that even if there were some voter fraud, early and often dead people voting, then the sheer numbers will negate any need to argue. If the difference is substantial, no one can hope to prove enough fraud to gain the win.
But if it again becomes an issue, in any way, then we (the collective "we") need to work on standardizing election ballots to ensure a fair outcome. Maybe that has already been done, but why do I still feel so uneasy about that?
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