Of course, the first problem was that some bright mind in our government, in their judicious wisdom, thought it best to send actual dollars, greenbacks, Benjamins, to pay off the contractors as work was done. Apparently a check from the U.S. Treasury would not have been enough. Shrink-wrapped packages of U.S. currency was sent in bulk to Iraq to be stashed in one of Saddam's palace basements, to be doled out as needed.
And doled out it was, apparently delivered to some of our own military leaders in pizza boxes. Talk about free delivery, hot and fresh.

Someone needs to clean up this mess and see that our hard-earned tax dollars are not being wasted, but if these allegations turn out to be true, then some of our U.S. military colonels and others deserve to be treated as the traitors they really are. This is conduct "unbecoming an officer and a gentlemen" to say the least. Gentlemen they are not; war profiteers would be more apt.
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