Sonia will confirmed as and Associate Justice. The CARS or Cash For Clunkers program will be refilled, not sure if for $1 billion or $2 billion, but something.

The "birthers
" hounding Obama about not being a natural born citizen will not stop any time soon. They seem to not be satisfied with this certified copy of the Hawai'i birth certificate; they want to see the original from the bowels of the archives. Heck, I'd like to see it too. I like history so I like old documents. Actually, though I am not one who subscribes to the birthers blather, I think it odd that the President doesn't just have the officials dig deep and bring up the original certificate and show it to the world. But you know, I'll bet that some STILL will not believe he wasn't born in Kenya.

The recession seems to be ebbing, as it often does after about 18 months, so I don't really know if the stimulus money did any good, or if this sign of recovery is just the normal cycle. But things seem to be improving no matter what, and that is good. We must not fail to watch our backs though. One terrorist attack might cause us to lose lots of momentum. Pray for peace.
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