The concept was far-fetched but not nearly as ridiculous as the story line itself. Yet, it somehow all seemed worth it to see landmarks and shrines fall to dust while thousands of human lives were snuffed out. It held my attention at least long enough to make me not recall that I ate a whole large bucket of popcorn, by myself.

I started to get antsy in my seat at one and a half hours, glancing at my watch during a bright scene, wondering when it was going to end so I could relieve myself of my large Diet Coke. At two hours, I shifted in my seat getting ready to bolt for the door when the credits started crawling, but had to wait until the whole 158 minutes ran by before the exhausted crowd all lurched toward the exit. Other than the comedic story line and the incredible length, it was not too bad. I'm sure glad I got the discounted senior rate, however.
Were you just checking to see if I noticed?
Will you be reviewing "The Blind Side"?
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