The new proposed Mosque-Islamic Cultural Center seems to be on the fast track for approval in New York City. Just two blocks from “Ground Zero”, it has raised an absolute firestorm among those who feel it is a slap in the face to the 9/11 heroes. Apparently it is the location, location, location that creates the uproar although if it were 10 blocks away, or 1.75 miles, or wherever in Manhattan, I think the issue would remain.
However, considering only the issue of whether a religious group has the right to buy a building for sale, demolish it and rebuild a new building according to local building codes, and have a place to practice their religion, there can be no argument. We cannot let fear- and other mongering to allow us to curb anyone’s legitimate rights under the Constitution.

But now the BIG “however”. If it is found beyond a reasonable doubt that the money being raised to build this edifice comes from radical Islamic terrorist supporters, or if there is found to be any kind of radical tie to any Mosque supporters or the Imam, then all bets are off.
Anyone with even the most oblique ties to those considered radical, or anyone who has declared or supported a jihad against the U.S. and its citizens, should not be allowed to build a monument to the most radical and twisted form of Islam. We have been acculturated since 9/11 to look askance at anything related to the Islamic beliefs, forgetting that Islam has always been one of the three major religions of the world. Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are all descended from Abraham.
People have perverted Christianity and Judaism before as well; we need to watch for the radicals of any faith. Nevertheless, if this Islamic cultural center is what it is purported to be, who knows, we might all learn something about tolerance. I’ll be watching.