It seems that Vice-President Biden's title of "gaffer-in-chief" is being sorely challenged by Republican presidential candidate, Mitt Romney. He made few friends in London with his mild criticism of the Olympic organizers and the tabloid reaction was over the top. But then, that is what they do best, isn't it?
Still, it is an embarrassment to our country to have a presidential contender the butt of many jokes this week. I keep looking for Romney to pull away from the nastiness and faux pas, and become more "presidential." I may have voted for Mr. Obama last time, out of desperation for some new changes. However, I have been disappointed with the Obama team's performance in many areas. They can't seem to move their agenda forward, and may have taken the country a little closer to insolvency. I supported the auto bailouts as a necessary evil and that has proven to be successful. Other "investments" have not worked as well.
We cannot continue to be the "nanny state" President Obama seems to want. We must place more responsibility on the people to help themselves. As a slightly right-leaning independent, I cringe at some of the President's ideas of how to spend our money. Safety nets are good, and must be there for those who truly need them. But we are enabling so many people to remain reliant on Uncle Sam. The usual line is that "no one wants to be on the dole" but I am not so sure anymore.

So back to Mr. Romney. If he is the only choice for those who cannot see another Obama term as productive for the U.S., then I think we may be in trouble as well. Mitt is hard to like, seems unapproachable, and just doesn't quite get it. I suppose he could be helped by the right VP choice, but maybe we ought to urge delegates to change their votes to "undecided" and let the Republicans have another go at it at the convention. It would not be pretty, but it would be worth watching and worth doing. There has to be a better way.
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