Saturday, August 16, 2014

Ceasefire Need in Ferguson, Missouri

It was a sad day when police shot 18 year old, Michael Brown.  Apparently the Ferguson, MO, police officer fired his gun nearly 7 times, most of those striking Brown.  What we don’t know yet is what happened right before those fatal shots were fired.  So far there is only speculation and the word of a few spectators and their stories do not all jibe.

The police department, or the state, has decided to release video footage from a convenience store where just before the shooting, a black male, acknowledged to be Brown, stole a box of $50 cigars.  The man is then seen pushing the clerk.  The video might be important later but I question its release while the pot was still boiling over.  The police were trying to keep the lid on, and bringing in a Trooper Captain to monitor the protests was a good idea, taking the local cops out of the picture at the protest sites.  And it probably didn’t hurt that Captain Johnson was a black man and from the Ferguson area.

The first night after Johnson walked in solidarity with the protestors, was relatively quiet and everyone took a big sigh of relief.  But it did not last through the next night, where looters and thugs decided they wanted more stuff they did not pay for, and for good measure those people tried to destroy the very convenience store where the video was shot.  Think about that – punishing the victim of the theft for being the victim of the theft.

History has shown that when the “mob mentality” reaches fever pitch, there is little that can stop it.  When those few (and is was just a few in the crowd) decides to incite a riot, weak thinkers jump in to take part and shroud themselves in the anonymity of the crowd.  To look the part, most also wore masks to conceal their identity.  Brave people, aren’t they?

To their credit, many of the protestors railed against the looters and a group tried to protect the store.  Some people who were there for the real reason of protesting police actions they see as excessive, know that their objectives are diluted by the actions of a few scofflaws.

This whole thing is a “wicked” problem – one that would not be easily or quickly resolved.  Justice for anyone takes time.  The rabble-rousers, some coming in from outside to ostensibly right the wrong, and some ad hoc, need to work to quiet the constant beat of the drum.  Captain Johnson’s goals are being overrun by others who apparently don’t believe his comments about “not tearing down our own house.”

The Brown family lawyers and “new” friends from the national black community could do much more to help stop the violence.  The Brown family itself is calling for peace, but others are not joining in as they should.  The police, whether that be the locals, the state, or the FBI needs to coordinate the investigation, not create “silos” where each runs off and does its thing.  And information, once confirmed, and with a constructive purpose should be released in a press conference open to the media, as tough as that would be.

Ferguson will get through this crisis, but unless someone starts to work on what caused the firestorm, it will occur again.  No doubt.  The Ferguson Police Department needs to work on recruitment of people of color.  Out of the 54 sworn officers, only 3 are reported to be African-American.  In a community that is over 60% black, this small number can make the PD seem like an occupying force.  There are many other ways to bring together the community.  The officials, in concert with representatives of the community, should convene to work on that now.  Or there will be many more "Sad Days." 

Friday, June 13, 2014

Let's say "No Thanks" to Another Iraq War Invitation

I suppose smarter people than I will make some decision on what the U.S. should do in the current crisis in Iraq.  Still, it would take lots of convincing for me to believe that we, as a country, should enter into IRAQ WAR, Part II.  The Middle East is a mess, not likely to change anytime soon; the tribal and religious warfare has been going on for centuries.  Why do we think we can fix that?

The Israel-Palestine conflict has only been going on since 1948 (well, earlier in some form) and we cannot seem to get that one closer to the finish line.  What, with our collective hubris, do we think we can reasonably do?

True, a stronger Al Qaeda faction, or whatever the terrorist flavor of the day is, is a threat to our country and other interests.  But if there was an answer, should we not have already reached the solution?   All those years of expending our blood and treasure has now come to naught?  Should we throw more good treasure after bad?

It seems the Iraqi army/police force has decided to drop their weapons and flee.  They blame it on their incompetent leaders, but who trained those leaders?  I thought the U.S did, and if so, what did we get out of it?

I say NO to more aid to this truly “god-forsaken” patch of earth.  We have spent billions so far and have not met the goal.  Why do some people insist that the next time will be better?

Let’s, instead, bolster our own borders and our spy craft using just a portion of those billions and let those “lost” countries deal with their own issues.  Let them implode on themselves.  Let the Middle East fix itself.   We have tried and apparently failed.  Time’s up.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Street-Legal Weed: Another Social Experiment?

Not to judge too harshly, but the news stories showing the lines at recreational pot shops in Colorado lately might say volumes about whether this great experiment will work.  I’m sorry, but I didn’t see too many executive types in those long lines, nor did I see what I might describe as geeks (meaning those techies who create new and exciting things for us).
     Instead, I saw what I would have stereotypically expected to see: old hippie types, tatted up and ratty haired stoners, and a general bunch of those on the lower end of the socio-economic scale.  Of course, there are executives, et al, who smoke the devil weed but I really doubt they would be interviewed on national TV to say they couldn’t wait to get home, lay on the couch, and light up.
     While I clearly am generalizing, I don’t think I am too far off the mark to say that this experiment may show its downside way before we can see some socially redeeming value.  No doubt there was lots of pot out there before legalization, and ironically it probably cost less than what the new shops are charging now.
I have seen many teen stoners online praising the legalization, and also saying they want to move to Colorado as if their whole life now revolves around smoking and getting high.  Wow!  And do they know that the legal age is 21 and that it cannot be smoked in public?  Getting together with a few buds (and “buds”) at the playground to take a toke or two would still be illegal.  And the fines would likely be higher than before.
     But who knows, maybe it will make our country a little mellower.  Maybe we will generate more intellectuals, more creative geniuses finding the cures for cancer, or more literary giants.  Or maybe, just maybe, we will have more unemployed, more traffic accidents, more neglected kids, and less incentive to make a better life.  Just as long as they have weed to take away the sharp edges of life, who cares about college, career advancement, and role modeling.  I think this experiment is going to stink up the lab.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Let's Dig Deeper Into Poverty

The current buzz in Washington is about income inequality.  It is clear that the gap has widened between the top 10% to the bottom 10%.  The hot issue about to be addressed in Congress is the extension of unemployment benefits.  As of this writing it is not clear how that will go.

But maybe we should dig deeper into the reasons for poverty and attack some of those reasons before we just handout more taxpayer money.  It may feel good to help others this way, but in some cases --not all -- we are enhancing this cycle of dependency.  Or at least decreasing the sense of urgency to get a job and be self-sufficient.

There many reasons people may be below the poverty level.  Here are just a few ideas to consider working on at a more basic level.  The "teach a man to fish" philosophy is in play here.

1.  Continue to fund Head Start.  This program has shown its worth in preparing very young children for social interaction and learning, and helps to ensure success in school.

2.  Institute a nationwide "gatekeeper" system where each government aid applicant provides his or her background regarding education, health issues, children (which may include going after child support), and other issues of daily living.  Once this information is known, targeted aid, called "wrap-around" can be tailored to the individual or family.  Just throwing money at people and expecting them to make all the right choices is folly.

3.  Consider a work program, or at least a standardized work training program for those who are able.  Preparing people to work will increase their success at getting and holding jobs.

4.   Provide adequate childcare for those willing to work, but only after assessing if there are appropriate family members who could provide care.  Offer parenting classes where indicated with other incentives if needed.  Parental involvement is crucial in any children's plan.

5.  When indicated, provide an incentive to staying off illegal and harmful drugs, through treatment, increased personal funding, or a deferred prosecution if the person has violated the law.  These incentives can help whole families by giving them choices to make.

This plan would not be any less expensive than the current welfare/food stamp/housing programs, but the infrastructure is already in place in nearly every county in the country.  Funds would be needed to add or expand those "best-practice" programs using existing social agencies.  The results could be fantastic.