Just something I've noticed. Maybe it is just anecdotal, but on the street where we live in our winter home in Arizona, there are a number of people who display the U.S. flag outside their homes every day. If I were to ask, I'd bet any money that the majority of those households would have a conservative bent, or maybe even be Republicans.
The same goes for those who wear little metal flags on their lapels. The more I think about it, the more I believe this is true. And if so, what a shame. What a shame that displaying our flag as a sign of support for our country, dare I say patriotism, is seen as a conservative trait.
For those who don't believe this, take your own poll in your neighborhood, office, school, and ask this question: A person displays a U.S. flag pin on his or her clothing. Is that person more or less likely to be a conservative?
You will be surprised, or if you are like me, maybe not.
The same goes for those who wear little metal flags on their lapels. The more I think about it, the more I believe this is true. And if so, what a shame. What a shame that displaying our flag as a sign of support for our country, dare I say patriotism, is seen as a conservative trait.
For those who don't believe this, take your own poll in your neighborhood, office, school, and ask this question: A person displays a U.S. flag pin on his or her clothing. Is that person more or less likely to be a conservative?
You will be surprised, or if you are like me, maybe not.
Do you remember when wearing a flag patch on your Levis was considered unpatriotic? Actually, any wearing apparel that was a representation of the flag was considered inappropriate, if not unpatriotic. I also have memories of the anti-war and civil rights demonstrations of the 70's and recall that the American flag was often very prominent. The conservative pundits of the day thought that was inappropriate.
You were a Boy Scout and I bet you learned flag etiquette. The flag does not fly at night unless illuminated. The manner of displaying the flag is strictly proscribed. Adhering to flag etiquette is respect for the flag. Check out: http://www.ushistory.org/betsy/flagetiq.html I wonder how many of these conservative patriots know the rules?
People display the flag for different reasons. I have an illuminated flag pole in front of our home and fly the flag almost all the time. There is no doubt in my mind that your observation about the political leanings of most people who display a flag is correct, but I hardly consider myself a political conservative. I do consider myself patriotic. Conservatives hardly have a corner on patriotism.
Conservatives have no more "right" to display the flag than "liberals" (I do hate those labels. I think that somehow people confuse flying the flag with supporting a particular agenda and therefore people (some) shy away from the flag out of fear of people misreading it as a statement. of some sort. I fly the flag because my Father and Mother taught me to respect it and what it symbolizes - the 13 colonies, the red blood spilt to fight for freedom etc. Our constitution the rule of law - etc. But today many around the world see our flag and don't think of freedom they have fear. It used to symbolize for much of the world the ideal that we can be better, tomorrow is brighter, and America is a land of welcoming people, generous to all. Not so much after the last 7 years.
I wear the flag as a lapel pin often. I am proud of my country and its ideals. I want to again get a sense that the world outside the US feels the same.
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