It sure is nice to have the number of "debaters" drop a little each time. Easier to really get some depth from those still standing. I was impressed again, overall, with Mike Huckabee in his common sense answers, his ability to think on his feet, and his ability to avoid shoving out the the same cliched lines. I want to give McCain a wedgy each time he says "transcendent". Enough, Senator...find another couple of words.
I was disappointed with the Romney-McCain feud over what "timeline" means. So silly to continue that tete-a-tete after Wolf read Romney's actual relevant comment. So petty and not impressive. Of course, Mr. Romney has got to learn not to get so excited about some of the critcisms leveled at him. He reminds me of a CEO who has total control and therefore can intimidate his employees without risk. That could be scary in a President, I suppose.
Ron Paul continues to have good but Pollyann-ish answers. Would that it were true and possible, but the reality is that some of what Paul says is just not possible in this real world.
I like Senator McCain for a lot of reasons: his straight talk, his patrotism, his service to the country. Yet, I wonder how he would fare against Barack Obama. I think he would lose. A race against Hillary would be better for McCain. She has enough negatives that can be brought to bear, that he could win the country to his side. Any disagreement here?
1 comment:
The feud will continue after Super Tuesday. I think the contest is good for the country. Besides IF Hillary wins - look out the Republicans will galvanize to try to beat her.
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