"Good grief," as Charley Brown often says. It has been a busy time and the blog suffers, but I was moved to write today as I see the "tit for tatting" between the Repubs and Dems over the waterboarding briefings. Poor Nancy is trying to make the English language work wonders to get her out of this mess where she allegedly was briefed about waterboarding in 2003 but had no particular objections at that time.

So the Repubs, or some of them, are hammering her with some convoluted logic that only rabid Conservatives can fathom. Let's move on from this old news, as the President is trying to do, and quit tossing this issue in the air hoping it will land on its feet.
The country has so much to do to right itself so these politicians (read children) need to stop the bickering soon and get down to real work, or "Mom and Dad" might start to res
trict privileges.

The "you did it first - I did not" debate is tiring and off message. While we cannot yet "fire" those in office, many are tempted to say, "All right Buster, you're grounded". Not a bad idea.
Because Jerry Nancy is wrong and lied. Why do people in high places assume they will be protected even when they are wrong? I think it is because people in "high places" have been protected and the underdog always gets beat.
Well, this did all start with the Nancy & Co trying to bash the last administration. I think it is fitting that it got blown back in her lap. Unfortunately with so many with rose colored glasses, when the administration plays politics it goes largely unnoticed. But when the minority speaks up, it is called politics and ridiculed by the media. Lets face it, history is written by the media regardless of the whole truth. Unless a person makes an effort to objectively view both sides, they will end up polorized to one viewpoint.
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