I have no desire to get in the middle of this discussion, however, it is a discussion that has to happen and something has to be done soon. Kicking the bedpan down the street one more time is really not an option. Health care (to coin a phrase) is "out of control" and if the industry (the fox) won't fix it (the hen house), then who else to try to make it work but the government? 

Oh, I know the rap on government control of anything, but some things have worked. Let's see, I have list here somewhere,....oh, never mind.
But seriously folks, this is a critical issue for every American and something needs to change and something needs to work better than what we have now. Those who WANT Obama to fail so they can say, "I told you so", are the scary ones. Failure is NOT an option to borrow a phrase (once again).

This seems to be the closest we have been to working something out with the doctors, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and other allied health agencies. Some are already on board and some will come once a plan takes shape.
Let's all hope that the President and the Congress (that's a stretch for them, I know) can really reach an accord that gives affordable health care to all. I once believed health care was for the privileged few who had good jobs like I did. How stupid and unfair is that? I now believe, in my conservative bones, that a basic level of health care is a right in America, and as the Fram oil filter man once said (to borrow another phrase), "You can pay me now, or you can pay me later".
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