With only a 19% approval rating (I would like to test those 19% for dementia), Congress should have its collective tail between its collective legs and out on the hustings begging for forgiveness. But that won’t happen. They will continue with their collective arrogance and hubris to spend money they really think is theirs, raising the deficit because they themselves won’t have to pay it.
A few of them don’t seem to know the rules the rest of us have to follow like reporting income, not using business (House) stationary for personal benefit, and so much more. They can’t even follow the U.S. Constitution to get a bill passed. The Senate passed the bill to increase border patrol agents and increase border security. Then the House was called back from recess to pass the bill, which would then go to the President. Only one thing wrong. It was a spending bill which, by law, has to originate in the House.
So then the Senate had to be called back, unless most agreed (including Republicans) that they could do a voice vote over the phone or some such workaround. Thanks to a few bipartisan Senators, the bill was passed although not in the usual way.
How can they and their staff not know something about spending bills that we all learned in fifth grade?
But you know what? Nothing will change; or rather not much will change. We, the citizens, rant and complain and rail against both sides and even incumbents. But when we march into the ballot box in November, we will do what we almost always do and vote for our incumbents. Somehow, although we hate Congress, we seem to think our own guys and gals serving us directly are usually all right. It’s must be those from the other states who are bad. Heaven help us. We are starting to see “The Rise and Fall of the American Empire” and not enough of us seem to care.
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