Yet there are about 90% of us who do have jobs, or don’t have jobs by choice as in retired (or fabulously wealthy). So what can we, who are in that 90% do to help our country along with our fellow countrymen (and women)? Isn’t it obvious?
Spend money! There are reports of a pent-up demand for all sorts of consumer goods, but we who have the gold are now saving more. I suppose that is a good thing except that in today’s world, it looks like hoarding.
I’ll go even further out on this fragile limb and suggest that we buy locally and buy products produced in the U.S.A. Do we really want or need to supp

We may have to pay more for clothes and other goods made in the U.S. but the effect is great when done in large numbers. Spend just a little more (sometimes) and help out your neighbor. If we all did a few things like buying what we have been wanting for some time, buying goods from our own country, and encouraging our friends and relatives to do the same, the consumer num

I have now convinced myself to buy that new car now.
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