You have to question the motives of many people who seek to incite others. A minister who calls himself a Christian, Terry Jones, is now planning to hold a public burning of the Koran, the Muslim holy book on September 11.
The commander in Afghanistan, General David Petraeus, has had to speak out at such actions as not just unhelpful but now potentially dangerous. We are at war with radical Islamists who need little or no excuse for their atrocities in the name of Allah. They have bastardized a legitimate religion by their actions and now some in our country will do the same to their own religion that purportedly emphasizes tolerance and forgiveness.
It is one thing to condemn the actions of the radicals, in fact more should be done by the defenders of the true Islamic faith, but it is another in incite the crazies again. Why would
anyone risk putting our troops in further peril; why would any sane person intentionally shake the wasps nest? That they have the “right” to do these insanities is not in dispute, but to take an action that any reasonable person could see is done out of pure spite without regard to the consequences to others, is irresponsible and reprehensible. As Martin Luther King, jr. once said, “Hate begets hate, violence begets violence…”
The Christian loonies complain about the Muslim loonies who bomb and kill, yet they cannot see that their actions can have the same effect. Our only hope is that either someone stops their lunatic behavior, or those who could be offended will consider the source and chose not to be.
We can only hope.
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