Monday, July 27, 2009

Stupid is the New Word

Today Bill Maher, in an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, noted in a comment about Sarah Palin's supporters, that "America is stupid". Wolf, on receiving a blitz of emails objecting to Maher's characterization, asked Maher to clarify his "stupid" comment. He said, "What more can I say?" indicating he stood by his comment that America (which I guess means Americans) are stupid.

Of course, I consider the source and realize that Maher's only fame comes from flaming others, so like El Rushbo, he is not to be taken too seriously. They are both entertainers taking shots and making controversial (and often truth-shaded) statements to keep their obscene paychecks rolling in.

Yet I still wonder about someone who, even after a chance to clarify, paints all Americans with that broad brush as "stupid". Maybe if Palin got elected to national office, that group of electors might be stupid, but the whole country?

It is becoming more common these days to try to be sensational to get a tick above the next guy's ratings. I can mostly filter that rubbish, but there are actually people out there who believe everything Maher and Limbaugh say. Whoa, maybe there are more stupid Americans than I thought. Never mind.

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