Saturday, December 5, 2009

Tiger's Roar is Muted

The truth could hardly be more bizarre than the ideas people (and tabloids) come up with about what happened at Tiger Woods mansion in Florida last week. Now we know that it wasn't just a simple accident that triggered the golfer's fall from grace. Even if the "accident" had never happened, the dirty secrets would have been revealed in some fashion, total truth or not, in a short while.

The hubris of Woods and others in high places is still amazing. That they think they can flaunt "the rules" with impunity forever is beyond belief. Yet one by one these celebs - whether political, sports world, or Hollywood - each fail to grasp the meaning of that old adage, "two people can keep a secret if one of them is dead."

Tiger will recover some of his luster from this current circus, but his image will be forever tarnished in most peoples' minds. Years from now, when the casual observer sees Tiger, he or she will recall the marital infidelity in an instant no matter what he has done from that time (or will recall worse if we haven't heard the whole story yet, and it is a good bet we haven't). Most people over 30 today cannot look at Bill Clinton without recalling his dirty little alcove secret. Tiger will suffer that same process, although maybe not quite as graphic, even though he won't "see" it.

People will still follow him and "glad hand" him when they can, and extol his golfing prowess, as they should. But the burnished image he really wanted to display to the world, and that his sponsors banked on, is gone forever. The bigger they are, the harder they fall.

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