Today Senator McCain, upon meeting with the President-elect, has pledged
his support, especially in areas where there is already substantial agreement. McCain supporters should again follow their own candidates lead and do what is right - support the incoming President.

I am kind of a purist when it comes to many things (certainly not everything), but I had always believed that no matter who held the office, we as citizens should respect the Office of the President. I have to admit that view was severely tested during the Lewinski (et al) affair with President Clinton, but I have recovered sufficiently even after the last four years to hold that view again.
Obama haters probably will not temper their views and will still spout the old, worn rehashed and discredited stories and stereotypes about Barack Obama. He's a Muslim; he's a terrorist; he's a Manchurian Candidate, and on and on with the Internet blather.
But those whose dislike doesn't rise to hatred and "Not My President" bumper stickers, should take some time to read Obama's books, see his interviews, and watch him closely as he works through this transition with dignity and aplomb.
For one who had not made up his mind until about a month before the election, I now find that this man is acting truly presidential. Now he has to follow that act with real actions. We just have to give him a chance.
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