The election tally was what I had hoped for regardless of the winner - a margin of victory (52% - 46%) that would be unassailable by the host of lawyers and partisans just hovering at the polls to mess with the election. Despite some minor problems at some polls (long lines being the worst), the election really came off better than expected.
For many in our country, however, the result was not as they had wanted. If fact, some of the more rabid right-wingers are not shy about their wishes to see President-elect Obama fail. They seem to want to be able to say "I-told-you-so", than to have the hope that our new President can begin to show needed leadership in so many critical areas.
Just as Mr. Obama used President Lincoln's words in his acceptance speech in Chicago, I would like to propose even more use of our greatest President's profoun
d words. During the worst crisis ever in our history, Abraham Lincoln, despite the utter decimation of our young men in the American Civil War, still called on both sides to bind up the nation's wounds rather than continue the old parochial and harmful views of opposing sides.

As a country we must now come together; must now work toward finding common ground to settle our differences. Lincoln also said, "A house divided against itself, cannot stand". Maybe the last chapter in the "The Rise and Fall of the American Empire" does not yet have to be written in maudlin terms, if only all Americans come together where it matters.
No one can blame the opposition for their disappointment, and even their worries about what an Obama presidency might mean to them. But there are truly issues than can transcend politics if only they are tried. All can agree, I believe, that the economy, namely housing and jobs, must be the top priority. Then the wars need to be addressed in a calm, lower key discussion. We can tackle the issues of abortion, climate change, and other more contentious issues in continued healthy discussions, knowing that on some issues, we will not all agree. But we must wade through those jarring economic and defense issues in short order, or there may not be much else to discuss.
The U.S. can withstand a lot of punishment; we have the reserves to do so, but they are not unlimited. We cannot again start the partisan bickering that slows any progress to solving the wicked prob
lems gnawing at our very roots today. For that to work, the government of the people, by the people, and for the people must rely on you and me - the people - to communicate to our leaders to get a grip - on their egos and party loyalty - as well as on the thorns that dig deep into our collective sides. President-elect Obama has won, fairly and handily. He now deserves as much support as we all can muster. God Bless our beloved land, the UNITED States of America.

1 comment:
Well said as always Jerry! I must say I enjoy your commentary! As good or dare I say better then many of your published peers!
Hope you and the lovely Lady Di are enjoying your retreat.
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