I refer, of course, to a prior blog on my quest to find toilet swabs, not brushes, with which to clean our toilet bowls. It is one domestic task, with the proper tools, that I don't mind doing. With a painstaking search I was finally able to find a purveyor of my coveted swabs. Once found, my lovely wife barked, "Get five of those things! You never know when you'll be able to find them again."
So I quickly put five swabs in the cart, entered my credit card info, clicked SUBMIT ORDER, and awaited their arrival. I planned to leave two swabs in our Mesa home and then bring two more back to our Wisconsin home. You can never have too many.
Alas, I was thwarted once again with an e-mail a few days later from said purveyor stating that they were OUT OF STOCK of the swab things and they would have to be back-ordered. No wonder I can't find any anywhere - Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, Walgreen's, Gucci; someone was ordering so many they had to be back-ordered.

Two more painful weeks passed where I had to resort to those store-bought disposable swab things with the blue crap that bleeds all over the place. I managed to clean the bowls, but get one inch above the rim and the blue venom leaks over the edge, onto the outer bowl and even onto the white bath rug. It looked like a fountain pen fight (anyone remember those? Peacock ink?)

Two more painful weeks passed where I had to resort to those store-bought disposable swab things with the blue crap that bleeds all over the place. I managed to clean the bowls, but get one inch above the rim and the blue venom leaks over the edge, onto the outer bowl and even onto the white bath rug. It looked like a fountain pen fight (anyone remember those? Peacock ink?)
Finally I was rewarded with the UPS guy handing me the big brown box of swabs. He could not figure, I am sure, why I was so excited to get this box. He saw my glee and had to ask, "Whatcha got in there? Cookies?"
"No," I replied still smiling. "Toilet swabs!" UPS guy looked puzzled and started to back away. I yelled out, "Toilet SWABS, not brushes. The kind with the floppy mop head".
My Grandparents are insane.
No Rachel, only one of your grandparents is insane. But guess who doesn't ever have to clean toilets?
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