Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Problem With Life is That it is So Daily

Sometimes life gets in the way of things you want to do. Like writing a blog. Once I clear my To-Do list from many of the mundane tasks like “Pay bills”, “Change furnace filter”, and “Look up Immanuel Kant on Wikipedia”, I find I have no energy to be creative.

So I sit reading the stack of newspapers from our last vacation (I must read them all), and the four TIME magazines whose news is now old. Then I decide to empty the dishwasher and start a grocery list. All important daily chores, but these sun-blocking clouds keep me from shining as an erudite blog writer. What to do, what to do?

I haven’t answered that yet but wanted my many blog readers to know that I am trying to keep up. My To-Do list does include many blog topics so material is not an issue. Time is really not an issue either (the issues of TIME are, however); it is more a matter of priority. I will try to do better. Now I have to file some papers and check the lint filter.

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