The U.S. dollar is wobbly but some leading economists looking out at the near horizon see it stabilizin
g some. Unfortunately not in time for our upcoming trip to Great Britain. I just had to pay $206 for 100 pounds of the Queen's currency. Yet, I will forego the upside down exchange rate now on the hope that some things may be righting themselves quicker than expected.

I realize that the economists I have read lately are still outnumbered by the doomsayers, but I wonder about the power of positive thinking. If enough of us (and that would be about, oh, ...200,000,000 of us in America), would start to think and behave like we are already on the way to recovery, then maybe we can have an effect. Look how quickly the tide has turned (to repeat a phrase) for Hillary. It's not over for sure, but the mood has changed - just the mood - and that has made Obama scramble and Hillary's bank account refill a bit. So the power of positive thinking (credit to Dr. Peale) may really work. If we read more good news, we feel better, and if we feel better, we work harder, drive a little less, and maybe spend a little more even if it is on groceries.
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