We are spending $12,000,000,000 a month on the Iraq war, which could go to prop up Social Security or Medicare, could build and repair more roads, and could fund the repair of most of deteriorating bridge infrastructure.
Yet, the reality is that the cost of our two wars, as a percentage of GDP, is at near historical lows. In other words, we seem to be able to afford it despite how counter-intuitive that may seem. So despite all our woes, and they are real, we have been in worse shape many times before. We just cannot give up hope for our great country and must do what we can, however small, to help our economy recover, our wars end, and our flag again fly with pride and respect around the world. It'll take some doing, but we might alre

We are a resilient and optimistic people. We are survivors and compared to most countries of the world, our suffering is miniscule compared to most in the Third World. And despite our own woes, we are often the first to help others around the world when calamity strikes. We ARE the world.
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