I don't mean to pick on wide receiver Chris Henry, late of the Cincinnati Bengals. He just happens to be the last (today) of those who can't understand there are societal laws to follow. But doesn't it stick in your craw to see those who feel that the rules do not apply to them? They actually appear shocked when they are caught at some violation, social error, or simple crime.
Henry, now fired, has given up a potentially great career and the money that goes with it because he just couldn't seem to stay above the line. He had apparently fallen below the line one too many times for the team's bosses.

The hubris of people like Eliot Spitzer, Bill Clinton, and many others who cannot think ahead and ask the question, "What if..?" What if I am discovered? What would this do for me and my family? What would my Mother think?
It is often said that your behavior should be such that you could comfortably read about it above the fold in the New York Times. Now, no one is so squeaky clean that there might be some indiscretion that would not play well on the news, but for the life of me I cannot fathom the bad boy-bad girl behaviors of some of the glitterati who know that the spotlight often illuminates the far corners of the room.
We know that some of the entitled few are able to skirt the rules, and some have even managed to have laws seemingly suspended to the dismay of us common folk. But is it worth the risk to your career, reputation, or family? I guess the gamble pays off enough for some.
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