For today, I will pick on the three current presidential candidates. Nothing big, just irritants that their handlers should have brought up and corrected.
For Hillary t
he list is long. The woman just rubs me the wrong way. It is more my issue, I guess, than hers. Of course, she would be totally unaware of what I thought, and would care even less. So to be fair, I will only list E pluribus unum (likely only my brother will get the reference).

I don't know if she can help it but the poor lady's voice was not meant to be used above 65 decibels. When she hits 80 dB it is more of a screech and is not becoming of a lady. She should just wait to speak until the roar of the crowd subsides. Or talk at 65 dB so everyone can wonder what she is saying. Remember the Howard Dean shreik didn't win him many votes.
Obama, the great speaker du jour, has this very annoying habit of injecting "you know", when he is stretching for the right words. Actually it is more like "a no" but then most of us slur some of our words. His people should certainly have coached that out of him by now. To me it is like the word "like" in the current teen vernacular. Unnecessary and, like, distracting. I also happen to think he should let his waffle get cold to answer questions in a public setting, but that is just me.

John McCain, as far as I can tell, took my advice and quit using "trancendent" in every other sentence. Dr. M.L. King was a "transcendent figure in
American history...", and our need to "confront the transcendent challenge of our time...", and so on, are just a few of Mac's lines. My freshman English teacher, Miss Zirian Blish, always told us, "Use a word three times and its yours". OK, Mr. McCain, I will cede the word to you, just quit letting it trip off your tongue so frequently.

My real peeve about Mr. McCain, great gentleman that he is, is that someone doesn't get him to the dentist to file his offending teeth to stop that shrill whistle when he talks. It wouldn't take but a quick flick of the emery and he would stop alerting the neighborhood dogs. Listen to him next time and it will begin to irritate you as well. And then you can thank me for pointing it out.
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