Thursday, November 20, 2008

Victory at Last - Toilet Swabs in Hand

I know that my quest for the fuzzy toilet swabs is not of national consequence; however, there is so much bad news on the national and international scene that I am uplifted by my small victory over the retailers who do not seem to know the needs of their customers.

I refer, of course, to a prior blog on my quest to find toilet swabs, not brushes, with which to clean our toilet bowls. It is one domestic task, with the proper tools, that I don't mind doing. With a painstaking search I was finally able to find a purveyor of my coveted swabs. Once found, my lovely wife barked, "Get five of those things! You never know when you'll be able to find them again."
So I quickly put five swabs in the cart, entered my credit card info, clicked SUBMIT ORDER, and awaited their arrival. I planned to leave two swabs in our Mesa home and then bring two more back to our Wisconsin home. You can never have too many.
Alas, I was thwarted once again with an e-mail a few days later from said purveyor stating that they were OUT OF STOCK of the swab things and they would have to be back-ordered. No wonder I can't find any anywhere - Wal-Mart, Target, Costco, Walgreen's, Gucci; someone was ordering so many they had to be back-ordered.

Two more painful weeks passed where I had to resort to those store-bought disposable swab things with the blue crap that bleeds all over the place. I managed to clean the bowls, but get one inch above the rim and the blue venom leaks over the edge, onto the outer bowl and even onto the white bath rug. It looked like a fountain pen fight (anyone remember those? Peacock ink?)

Finally I was rewarded with the UPS guy handing me the big brown box of swabs. He could not figure, I am sure, why I was so excited to get this box. He saw my glee and had to ask, "Whatcha got in there? Cookies?"
"No," I replied still smiling. "Toilet swabs!" UPS guy looked puzzled and started to back away. I yelled out, "Toilet SWABS, not brushes. The kind with the floppy mop head".

UPS guy exited to his big brown truck and roared off. I didn't care. Lysol bowl cleaner here I come. It was my own Super Bowl day.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Forming a "Team of Rivals" is Still a Team

Barack Obama's frequent allusion to Lincoln's words and actions is refreshing to me - an amateur student of Mr. Lincoln. His latest action - to consider those who once railed against him to be part of his team - is a recognition that he doesn't nurse grudges and, indeed, may try to pick the best possible person for each job. Certainly not everyone will agree with his choices but everyone should see that his choices seem considered, and most important seem to be aimed at picking those who have the juice to do their jobs from day one.

Today Senator McCain, upon meeting with the President-elect, has pledged his support, especially in areas where there is already substantial agreement. McCain supporters should again follow their own candidates lead and do what is right - support the incoming President.

I am kind of a purist when it comes to many things (certainly not everything), but I had always believed that no matter who held the office, we as citizens should respect the Office of the President. I have to admit that view was severely tested during the Lewinski (et al) affair with President Clinton, but I have recovered sufficiently even after the last four years to hold that view again.

Obama haters probably will not temper their views and will still spout the old, worn rehashed and discredited stories and stereotypes about Barack Obama. He's a Muslim; he's a terrorist; he's a Manchurian Candidate, and on and on with the Internet blather.
But those whose dislike doesn't rise to hatred and "Not My President" bumper stickers, should take some time to read Obama's books, see his interviews, and watch him closely as he works through this transition with dignity and aplomb.

For one who had not made up his mind until about a month before the election, I now find that this man is acting truly presidential. Now he has to follow that act with real actions. We just have to give him a chance.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Obama Girls Schooling - Public or Private?

I can hear it already. When the Obama's finally settle on a private school for their two young daughters, some of those on the right will again call them elitist, out of touch, and some other choice epithets raised during the campaign.

Philosophically I would like to see the President's kids go to a public school where most of us spent many years learning the foundations of what we know (or don't know) today. What's wrong with the public schools? "Aren't they good enough?" some will whine. The sad truth is that many of them are not good enough. Especially in D.C. That is a crime in itself; some D.C. schools are way below the national average in achievement.

Beyond that, however, is where I go after I get off my philosophical high horse. The first issue is what is best for these two girls, and foremost among those sub-categories is what is best for their safety. It is no secret that it would easier for the Secret Service to protect these girls in a private institution. They are not just any little girls anymore but are the kids of the next U.S. President, who will still be the leader of the free world even though his scepter might be a little tarnished.

Second, these kids should get the best education possible while still keeping them in town with their parents. If a private school can provide that leg up, then so be it. Parental choice.

Supposedly, as of this date, the Obama's say they haven't made up their minds yet, but given the priority they give to their girls' welfare, my best guess is that they will choose a private school. Think about this too. A President Obama will be less distracted and more focused on worrying about our country's problems if he doesn't have to worry quite as much each school day about his most treasured possessions.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

To Bind Up the Nation's Wounds...

The election tally was what I had hoped for regardless of the winner - a margin of victory (52% - 46%) that would be unassailable by the host of lawyers and partisans just hovering at the polls to mess with the election. Despite some minor problems at some polls (long lines being the worst), the election really came off better than expected.

For many in our country, however, the result was not as they had wanted. If fact, some of the more rabid right-wingers are not shy about their wishes to see President-elect Obama fail. They seem to want to be able to say "I-told-you-so", than to have the hope that our new President can begin to show needed leadership in so many critical areas.

Just as Mr. Obama used President Lincoln's words in his acceptance speech in Chicago, I would like to propose even more use of our greatest President's profound words. During the worst crisis ever in our history, Abraham Lincoln, despite the utter decimation of our young men in the American Civil War, still called on both sides to bind up the nation's wounds rather than continue the old parochial and harmful views of opposing sides.

As a country we must now come together; must now work toward finding common ground to settle our differences. Lincoln also said, "A house divided against itself, cannot stand". Maybe the last chapter in the "The Rise and Fall of the American Empire" does not yet have to be written in maudlin terms, if only all Americans come together where it matters.

No one can blame the opposition for their disappointment, and even their worries about what an Obama presidency might mean to them. But there are truly issues than can transcend politics if only they are tried. All can agree, I believe, that the economy, namely housing and jobs, must be the top priority. Then the wars need to be addressed in a calm, lower key discussion. We can tackle the issues of abortion, climate change, and other more contentious issues in continued healthy discussions, knowing that on some issues, we will not all agree. But we must wade through those jarring economic and defense issues in short order, or there may not be much else to discuss.

The U.S. can withstand a lot of punishment; we have the reserves to do so, but they are not unlimited. We cannot again start the partisan bickering that slows any progress to solving the wicked problems gnawing at our very roots today. For that to work, the government of the people, by the people, and for the people must rely on you and me - the people - to communicate to our leaders to get a grip - on their egos and party loyalty - as well as on the thorns that dig deep into our collective sides. President-elect Obama has won, fairly and handily. He now deserves as much support as we all can muster. God Bless our beloved land, the UNITED States of America.