Tuesday, July 29, 2008

McCain is Whining - Not a Pretty Picture

Good grief. I am having a hard enough time determining who I will vote for in November. I admit to waffling (but I am not a politician, so I am allowed), but I can't stand what looks like juvenile behavior in Senator McCain. Mr. Obama has returned from his trip and begins talking about issues, mainly the economy. McCain keeps talking about Obama's trip and really sinks low talking about Obama going to the gym instead of visiting our military heroes. Come on, John. That sounds desperate and it's only July.

That comes on the heels of McCain saying that Obama would rather lose the war than lose the presidency. That kind of rhetoric I did not expect from the straight-talking senator. He has moved down a notch or two with this kind of campaigning. In a previous post I noted that while others in his campaign may revert to cheap, political theatre, I said that John McCain would not do so himself. Apparently I was wrong.

So, Mr. McCain, there is plenty to talk about in this campaign. We'd like to hear what you are going to do (in detail) about the wars, the economy, the crumbling infrastructure, the taxes, and on and on. Attacking Obama for looking good (and maybe even Presidential) in the Middle East and Europe sounds like sour grapes.

Only the fanatics will latch on to the kind of mud slinging going on now. The e-mails and spam will fly across the Internet. I have not yet made up my mind, but I wanted to do it myself. Now Mr. McCain, at least for today, is trying to make up my mind for me.

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